
Male G-spot Facts

  What is a     G-spot? The male G-spot is often referred to at the P-spot; the “P” stands for prostate. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located just below the bladder. To explain in short. The male G spot is the prostate. It is located just inside the rectum, and a person can stimulate the prostate either internally or externally. It’s great at producing quick and powerful orgasms, but that’s not its primary function. It also aids in reproduction by producing seminal fluid and helping sperm live long and prosper after they’re propelled from the penis. How to find the G-spot? You can actually reach it two ways: internally and externally. Both ways can feel ahh-mazing, so it comes down to your comfort level (or your partner’s). Internally If you want to get up close and personal, the anus provides the most direct way. It’s located about 2 inches inside the rectum. That’s about first-knuckle deep if you have average-length fingers. Externally You can indirectly stimulate the prostat

I wonder why people shave often?

There are a lot of reasons why people get rid of their pubic hair. Some of the most common ones are discussed below. Social norms Grooming pubic hair has been common practice for centuries. Today, at least some hair removal is common. Some theories link this trend to increased accessibility to porn, where hairlessness is the norm. A lot of people remove their pubic hair to conform to this aesthetic standard. Partner expectations For others, partner preferences drive their grooming habits. Some women    say that their pubic grooming is related to partner preference. According to a study done,    men are more likely than women to report a preference for a pubic hair-free sexual partner. In contrast, women were more likely to cite that they preferred trimmed or partially shaved or waxed pubic hair. Personal preference For some, removing their pubic hair is simply a matter of personal preference. People who prefer to remove their pubic hair often cite comfort, routine, and sexual confidenc

How do I properly shave down there?

  How to properly shave down there How to shave properly down there? If you're wondering how to shave pubic hair, you're not alone. There's noticeably less info out there for shaving down there than there is about shaving other body hair. When shaving pubic hair, you're dealing with a sensitive area so you'd definitely want to keep a few tips in mind. In the interest of making sure you're shaving safely and effectively, here's a step-by-step guide for how to shave pubic hair from start to finish for both men and women!   Does shaving your pubes makes sex feel more intimate?  Sex is all about skin-to-skin contact. No matter how soft or rough you like it, the ultimate goal is to have two bodies intertwined in a moment or few of complete ecstasy. Have you ever thought about the barrier you're putting between you and the other body when you're sporting a bunch of pubic hair? While pubic hair can help relieve friction in your pants, it's not going to

How to get rid of bad vaginal odor

  A normal vaginal pH is acidic, it ranges between 3.8 and 4.5     however       What constitutes a normal pH level can vary slightly based on the girl’s stage of life.     This means that during a girl’s reproductive years (15- 49 years), the vaginal pH         Is normally below 4.5. But before menstruation and after menopause, the pH rises above 4.5.   A vagina has a natural smell     And it differs from woman to woman. This smell is not like perfumes nor lavender however Some conditions and/or    microorganisms changes the vaginal pH which makes the vagina to become alkaline and causes bad odor.  To keep your vaginal pH consistent and avoid unbearable odor, try following these simple steps and everything will go back to normal; Don’t douche Take probiotics tablets  Eat more food with probiotics  Use a condom    during sex See regularly OB-GYN There are medical conditions that    causes bad odors which are; Bacterial vaginosis Trichomoniasis/ trich  Yeast infection  Bacterial vaginos